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Autoclave Pickling Line

All material grades and types made from steel can be treated by this plant in small throughputs. 


The treatment is carried out in a tank that is entirely closed,🌃 the autoclave. The pickling material

is deposited into the autoclave and tightly c♏losed by a cover. As required for the surface quality

the treatment solutions are pumped from the different storage tanks into thꦦe autoclave and re-

turned back after the treatment program-controlled. 𓆉The materials can be dipped into the treat-

ment solution or sprayed by nozzles.


The main benefits are:

— Low space requirement
— Easy handling
— Reduced waste water quantity by cascade rinsing
— Low costs because of several process stages
— Cycle times,  bath sequences and treatment ൲mediums are variable
— Low waste air quantity through enclosed system






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